Today it's possibleToday it's possibleToday it's possibleToday it's possible

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Can, waste, change everyone's tomorrow for the better?

Can, waste, change everyone's tomorrow for the better?

Yes, thanks to a technology that makes it possible to use not mechanically recyclable waste, instead of burning them or sending them to landfills, turning them into an important raw material for creating new products and alternative, low-carbon fuels, such as methanol, ethanol and hydrogen, without using new fossil resources.

La tecnologia innovativa Waste to Chemicals, inserita nei Distretti Circolari Verdi di NextChem e sviluppata dalla sua società MyRechemical, non ha emissioni nocive e può ridurre fino al 90% quelle di CO2. Inoltre, permette di sfruttare al meglio le risorse minimizzando gli scarti e di valorizzare il capitale umano presente sul territorio, creando benefici per l’ambiente, per l’economia e per le persone.

Waste to chemicals:
Un'opportunità per l’ambiente, il lavoro e per il nostro domani.

NextChem’s Green Circular District model

Decarbonisation by recycling: thanks to the Green Circular District model at the core of the energy transition, this is now possible

With our Green Circular District model, recycled polymers, chemicals, hydrogen and low-carbon fuels can be produced by recycling plastics and recovering non-recyclable waste.

The model was developed by NextChem, a subsidiary of the Maire Tecnimont Group, which operates in the field of green chemistry and technologies to support the energy transition.

NextChem’s roadmap is based on three clusters activities: Greening the Brown – emissions reducing technologies for existing conventional plants; Circular Economy – technologies for recycling plastic waste and other waste materials; Green-Green – technologies for the production of intermediate products, biofuels and bioplastics.

NextChem’s portfolio includes proprietary technologies, exclusively licensed technologies, technology integration platforms and EPC services.

The tree is nature’s perfect machine –  it’s the best technology on the planet for recovering carbon dioxide.
The tree is nature’s perfect machine –  it’s the best technology on the planet for recovering carbon dioxide.
Today, the world is discussing how to use technology to incorporate the natural function of trees into the maintenance of balanced carbon levels to support climate stability. The path to achieve this has been carved out, and it’s called the energy transition. But what does this mean exactly?
A model for a sustainable future that we can create today

A model for a sustainable future that we can create today

An innovative and environmentally, socially and economically sustainable energy transition solution.

Green conversion of traditional plants

Create jobs and new business

The Green Circular District benefits the environment, the economy and society

#1DecarbonizationIt makes it possible to produce low-carbon chemicals and fuels that reduce CO2 emissions and are necessary for sustainable mobility.
#2RecyclingIncreases the recycling rate by reducing incineration and landfill use.
#3EmploymentMakes it possible to convert conventional industrial sites through green chemistry and create new jobs.
#4Local EconomiesThis model makes it possible to reduce imports and dependence on foreign countries for strategic chemicals for the economy and to promote supply chains and new industries.

Read the most frequently asked questions and their answers

Is CO2 one of the products of chemical waste conversion?

Yes, there is a small amount of CO2 produced by the Green Circular District. But we are striving for carbon neutrality by monitoring parameters and incorporating green hydrogen into the process, so we are aiming for our carbon impact to be completely offset.

How many jobs can each Green Circular District create?

The realization of a Green Circular District will enable the creation of numerous direct and indirect jobs dedicated to the construction of the plant.

What types of waste can be treated in the Green Circular District?

Mostly plastic waste and RDF (Refused Derived Fuels), but with our technology we can process any kind of dry waste, except of course hazardous or medical waste. This technology has a great flexibility and allows to treat also waste coming from landfill.   

The feedstock used is normally composed of between 30% and 40% of waste of non-synthetic origin, such as wood, paper and textile industry waste, material that cannot be mechanically recycled because it is dirty or deteriorated and would normally end up in landfills but recovered with this technology helps to reduce the carbon footprint of the final product, as it is hydrocarbon-free.

What is the total investment required to build a Green Circular District?

The investment value can be estimated at around €300–400 million.

Stay up to date with Green Circular District news


Green Circular District Leaflet

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