
A low-carbon and circular future

We are committed to providing industry, local communities and citizens with an offering that has innovative and technological depth, leading to benefits for the environment, furthering economic development, new companies and new jobs; one that strengthens our economy by reducing imports and makes use of waste as a resource.


Reduce climate-altering emissions

Reduce climate-altering emissions

La necessità di contenere i cambiamenti climatici legati all’aumento della temperatura del pianeta attraverso una riduzione della quantità di CO2 immessa in atmosfera rende necessario procedere rapidamente con la decarbonizzazione delle attività produttive, specie dei settori siderurgico, petrolchimico e dei trasporti.

The decarbonisation of the economy must take place by implementing a green approach to existing industrial plants, which are currently based around the use of fossil feedstocks.

The development of plant solutions designed around the use of bio or circular feedstocks that are able to manufacture carbon-free or low-carbon products is strategic to the decarbonisation process.
Replacing fossil sources in industrial processes, such as natural gas or hydrogen from methane, with feedstocks such as Circular Gas or Circular Hydrogen, which have a lower carbon footprint, can reduce CO2 emissions from industrial sites.
Replacing conventional fuels with circular fuels, like Circular Methanol, Circular Ethanol or ammonia produced through waste conversion and classified as carbon recycled fuels, some of which are “advanced”, reduces their carbon footprint during use, thereby facilitating sustainable mobility.


Reduce imports, create new supply chains and industries

In addition to environmental benefits, as well as those linked to a reduction in imports and a consequent reliance on foreign countries, the Green Circular District model revitalises local economies by creating new downstream supply chains and industries stemming from transportation and the use of circular products.


Recycle more and reduce the use of landfills, incineration and dumping

Recycle more and reduce the use of landfills, incineration and dumping

There is a global need to switch from a linear economy to a circular economy and a need to reduce the consumption of raw materials by recovering resources from waste.

This is true for all types of waste, but especially so for plastic waste. When the disposal of plastic is mismanaged, it impacts the environment, as plastic dumping damages natural resources and wildlife.

Every year, Europe produces around 25.8 million tons of plastic, only 30% of which is collected and sent to be recycled; it is also estimated that unsorted municipal waste contains around 16.5% of additional plastic.
Plastic waste that escapes sorting and recycling can be dumped and illegally disposed of in the environment. A large quantity of plastic waste ends up in rivers and lakes, which then makes its way to seas.
This waste is incinerated, which has a negative impact in terms of atmospheric emissions, or it is sent to landfill, which has a negative impact in terms of land consumption.
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NextChem’s Green Circular District model introduces a paradigm shift, which turns on its head the concept of waste as a problem that must be done away with, offering a type of chemistry based on the recovery of resources that would otherwise be lost.
In 2015, the European Commission adopted a circular economy action plan to foster and accelerate Europe’s transition to a circular economy in order to guarantee sustainable economic and employment growth. In 2018, four new EU Directives on the circular economy came into force, setting ambitious recycling goals for Member States; Italy transposed these Directives into law in July 2020. With the Green Circular District, this is now possible.


Create new, green jobs

The Green Circular District can create new jobs, attract young, green talents and allow existing workers to be trained for new professions, guaranteeing a different future in a more resilient and sustainable green economy. It is imperative for the Italian, European and global economy that new jobs in green economy sectors are created. With the Green Circular District, this is now possible.
Create new, green jobs