A new step for the Circular District: the NextChem–LanzaTech agreement on circular ethanol

13 July 2021

The Green Circular District model expanded in July 2020, when NextChem and LanzaTech signed an agreement to produce circular ethanol through the chemical conversion of hydrogen and carbon in Plasmix and RDF. With LanzaTech’s syngas fermentation technology, ethanol is produced by bacteria, transforming the Circular Gas™ at a low temperature and low pressure, improving the sustainability of the entire process. NextChem will exclusively license this technology for Italy with targeted agreements for foreign markets. The circular ethanol produced from this process can be mixed with gasoline, replacing fossil components, with a lower carbon footprint. When produced from dry waste containing non-fossil fractions, 40% of circular ethanol can be regarded as “advanced”, according to the European Renewable Energy Directive. Ethanol, all of which is imported in Italy, is also an important intermediate for a number of chemical components, such as ethyl acetate and alcohol used as a disinfectant.